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Showing posts from June, 2013

Career Research

So far I learned a few different things about becoming a sex crimes detective. Mainly what these detectives do is investigate. They respond to 911 calls involving any child that is under the age of 13 who has been a victim of any sex crime. Also they deal with other victims of any age that are victims of aggravated sexual abuse in all degrees. Also recently, on June 2nd, 2010 there was a news article written about seeking more police training on sex crimes. People want sensitivity to be shown more while dealing with victims of sex crimes. As of April, certain types of causes were going to be looked over and ensured that they are handled the right way. I've also learned that if you don't have the correct mindset to be in this field and if your not going to be able to handle this type of job, then it may be helpful to reevaluate your career choice.

Making a Career Choice in Three Easy Steps

Making a career choice is not an easy decision; however, there are three main aspects one should always consider before committing to a career path. Aside from what most people think a career choice affects directly your future and how your family, professional and personal life will develop. The first aspect will be what you are good at; exhorting your natural talents would be the best head start, as it would help you have an advantage over others pursuing the same career. The employment market is very competitive and the better your skills are the more likely you will become to be the best choice for the position you are trying to acquire on the future. You have to target jobs that will assist you sharpen your skills and get you closer to your dream job. Building your way up from the foundation makes a huge impact on how long reaching your dream job is going to take you. The second aspect to be considered is what you like doing. Committing to a job is always easier w...
How to make a wise career decision” Career, career, career. There are so many choices but yet you still can’t decide which one is right for you. What are you good at? What are your interests? Hobbies? But every question leads to another question. So how do you make a wise career choice? Well first you want to sit down and ask yourself what interests you. What is something that you enjoying doing and never looking at with regret, wishing you could have done something else. Then if you come across something that you like look around talk to people. Listen to what other people have to say about it. Then talk to an academic advisor or counselor. Always seek academic help and never be afraid to ask questions. Explore your area of interest but when making a decision never pick something just on the basis of salary. Pick something that you enjoy doing and wouldn’t mind doing it everyday. Sarah Khalid

Initial Steps Towards Mental Health Field

Initial Steps Towards Mental Health Field. INTRO-  Mental health counseling programs prepare people to help patients with personal problems, conflicts,or emotional crises. Students learn to guide patients to improved mental health. Students also learn counseling and interviewing skills. In addition, they learn observation and testing methods. As a mental health counselor, you learn how to identify mental illnesses, behavioral problems, and emotional disorders. You help people identify the source of emotional conflicts and learn how to communicate more openly with their loved ones. You also help patients manage their emotions and thoughts to prevent future crises. Often you work with psychiatrists if a patient has a severe mental illness or needs medication.   This video gives the basic Intro and Overview to the particular field. This video, although outdated and brief, includes the steps and what to ...