Thursday, November 16, 2023

Study Tips for Final Exams

 Hello fellow KCC Students!

The end of the semester is quickly approaching but not before we take our final exams!😧

Here are some study tips to help you prepare: 

1. Use Flashcards

Using flashcards is a great way to quickly review material from each class and helps keep it fresh in your mind. You can review what you’ve learned on your own at any time with flashcards. Keep these cards handy or use digital versions to prepare for final exams.

2. Read and Review Your Class Notes Often

When you’ve been taking class notes, it’s easy to forget what you wrote down earlier in the semester. Go through and read all the notes you’ve written to prepare for exam questions on material you might have forgotten. Plan on doing this often, so you’ll be fully ready to take your exams.

3. Stay Organized

As you approach finals week, you may have a lot on your schedule. Using apps, planners, and calendars would help you stay on top of all deadlines and create a schedule for studying and handling other tasks. Keep all notes and other materials organized as well, so you can easily access anything you need for studying.

4. Find a Tutor and Study with Classmates

Studying with a tutor can help you feel more prepared for final exams. Tutors can review class material with you, quiz you on it, and help you understand topics and subjects you have problems with. Setting up study sessions with classmates is another way that can help you prepare for finals. You can quiz each other, go over flashcards, and focus on certain topics that each person struggles with.

                Did you know that KCC has tutors available? Speak with your academic advisor to learn more!

5. Make the Most Out of Your Class Time

Paying attention in every class especially during the upcoming weeks before finals is a good way to learn the material throughout the semester. Write down notes in each class, so you can easily refer to them while studying for your final exams. Ask questions during class if you don’t understand something the instructor is reviewing.

6. Try to Visualize the Material

Visualizing the material can be a great way to prepare for final exams. You might turn class material into charts or other visual forms that help you understand it more clearly. Visualizing the material this way can also make it easier for you to remember what you’ve learned.

7. Find a Good Place to Study

Having a good place to study is important as you prepare for finals. You can study somewhere quiet with little to no distractions around, such as at home in your room or in a library, or, you can study outside or in a busier area if that’s what you prefer. Choose a study location that works best for you.

8. Take Breaks and Reward Yourself

Avoid studying for long periods of time since this can strain your brain. Keep study times short, such as 30 minutes, then take a small break with a reward before starting again. These short breaks help prevent your brain from feeling overwhelmed and clustered. Breaks and rewards would help you stay motivated while you’re preparing for finals.

9. Create a Practice Test for Yourself

Going through a practice test can help you prepare for each final you have. Create a practice tests with questions for each class that covers the topics you’ll be tested on. Taking practice tests can help you identify the material you don’t fully understand, so you can focus on it more while studying.

10. Stay Focused and Motivated

Concentrating on studying for finals can be difficult and hard maintaining motivation, especially if you’re stressed and worried. Find ways to stay focused on your studies, such as practicing self-care, doing hobbies on the side and listening to soothing music that won’t distract you. You can also put your phone on “do not disturb” or turn off notifications while studying to help you concentrate better.

By: Shannon Alexander (Career Peer)

Thursday, November 9, 2023

What is the Importance of Leadership Skills?

Having leadership skills is extremely important, especially when going into the workforce. Leadership plays a major role in the workplace by being a guiding force that enables teams to be motivated to achieve their objectives and drive positive outcomes.

Let’s look at some reasons as to why leadership skills is needed in the workforce.



A passionate leader knows how to ignite passion and enthusiasm by creating a compelling vision and fostering a sense of purpose within their teams. A good leader knows how to motivate their employees effectively. They understand that people are different and that what works for one person may not work for another. As a result, they take the time to get to know their team members and discover what makes them tick. They also create a positive work environment where employees feel valued and appreciated. When employees feel like they are part of a team and that their contributions matter, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated.



A strong leader sets goals and objectives, enabling team members to understand their roles and responsibilities, enhancing productivity, and clearing off confusion. Leaders ensure that everyone understands overarching goals and that their individual efforts contribute to the bigger picture. An efficient leader helps make effective decisions that significantly impact team and organizational success. Leaders navigate evolving technologies, market trends, and challenges, which helps keep the team focused and on track toward their goals.



An effective leader can create an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas, concerns, and feedback which improves collaboration and alignment. Clear and thorough communication is essential for any team to function correctly. By ensuring employees have a forum to voice their concerns and opinions, a leader can encourage a work culture where new ideas are welcome, and misunderstandings are avoided.



Leaders make an impactful difference in a team’s productivity and efficiency. When employees feel valued and motivated, they are more likely to be more productive. An effective leader can help to improve efficiency by getting the most out of their team and ensuring everyone is working towards the same goal and doing what they do best. They can provide guidance and direction and delegate tasks to make the most of everyone’s strengths. A team that is led effectively will be more productive, efficient, and successful overall.

Did You know that the career development center has a leadership development seminar for students? 👀


An effective leader knows that setting a good example is one of the best ways to inspire a team. People are more likely to follow someone they see as a role model so that’s where a leader would fill in. Leaders should behave in a way that exemplifies the values and goals of their team, and show others what it means to be a committed and successful member. Leaders can create an atmosphere of trust and respect, which can also develop into creativity and collaboration.


6. INSPIRing HARD WORK from the team

A great leader is able to create a sense of purpose in their team. Most of the time, when people feel like they are working towards something big, they are more likely to be willing to put in the hard work required to achieve it. Leadership is essential to keep employees focused on reaching that goal by clearly communicating vision and objectives as progress is made and changes occur and then providing the necessary support and resources. Maintaining lines of communication throughout projects, being positive, and ensuring employees receive the support they need to achieve their tasks all help keep staff on track with an organization’s overarching vision.



A successful leader understands the importance of having a solid vision and how to create one that will guide their team toward a bright future. Having a strong vision means having a clear idea of where the organization is going and what it wants to achieve. It also means clearly communicating this vision that inspires and motivates others to follow. A leader with a strong vision can create a sense of direction and purpose, helping to focus and excite an entire team.


 By: Shannon Alexander (career peer),decisions%20and%20solve%20problems%20effectively.