Hello fellow KCC Students! The end of the semester is quickly approaching but not before we take our final exams!😧 Here are some study tips to help you prepare: 1. Use Flashcards Using flashcards is a great way to quickly review material from each class and helps keep it fresh in your mind. You can review what you’ve learned on your own at any time with flashcards. Keep these cards handy or use digital versions to prepare for final exams. 2. Read and Review Your Class Notes Often When you’ve been taking class notes, it’s easy to forget what you wrote down earlier in the semester. Go through and read all the notes you’ve written to prepare for exam questions on material you might have forgotten. Plan on doing this often, so you’ll be fully ready to take your exams. 3. Stay Organized As you approach finals week, you may have a lot on your schedule. Using apps, planners, and calendars would help you stay on top of all deadlines and create a schedule for studying and ...