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Showing posts from May, 2024

Imposter Syndrome

  Have you ever been in situations where you felt like you didn't belong, even though you were qualified and experienced?  The term "Imposter Syndrome" was coined in the 1970s to describe these feelings of self-doubt or not being good enough, especially among high-achieving individuals. While it's not an official diagnosis, it's been studied in various fields like science, education, and business. Research from 2020 looked at many studies and found that imposter syndrome is quite common, with rates ranging from 56% to 82% in different groups like graduate students, nurses, and others. Symptoms can include feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed, avoiding challenging tasks, and not believing positive feedback.   Imposter syndrome happens to lots of people, no matter who they are. But it might be more common for folks in minority groups because of racism and other unfair treatment. If you feel like you don't belong or aren't good enough, you're not a...

Benefits of Having a Mentor

You cannot succeed in life on your own. In the journey of personal and professional growth, you need guidance, wisdom and support. Mentorships embody all that for a great success story. It is a relationship whit the personal attribute is to advise, support and nurture the mentee to reach their full potential. Let’s explore the profound benefit of mentorships. · Building Confidence. Your mentor is, to put it mildly, your personal cheerleader. He provides constructive feedback and encouragement. Mentees gradually build confidence in their abilities to succeed and also help them to conquer their fear of the unknown and gain resilience and determination. · Personalized Guidance. What is good for you is not automatically good for someone else. It is not a one size fit all. Each mentorship is designed to address an individual’s unique strength, weakness, goals and aspirations. With this personal approach, your mentor is there to guide you on matters that concern you and only you. · Personal ...

Changing Careers: Tips on What to Do

  Changing Careers can be both challenging and at times scary. After getting familiar with the dos and don’ts of a job, starting a new career can be a mind-blowing experience. Here are some tips to help you navigate this transition stress-free. Start by putting on paper what you enjoy doing. What are you good at doing? Do you like what you’re doing presently? A good paid job is always a good motivation but ask yourself if you will be volunteering to do that job for free. This process is called self-assessing. 1.        Know yourself. What do you like to do? Make a list of activities and tasks that excite you. These my include: ·          Helping others ·          Solving complex problems ·          Doing stuff with your hands ·          Creating art writing ·      ...