What are the different types of interviews?
An interview is a formal meeting or conversation
between an employer and a job applicant. There are many types of interviews.

· One-on-one Interview
· Simulation Interview
· Telephone Screening Interview
· Panel Group Interview
· Video Conference or WebCam Interview
· Lunch or Dinner Interview
One-on-one a.k.a face to
face has a common interview format conducted by a direct Human Resource professional or
employer of a company. This is the traditional form of interview where one
candidate is interviewed by one interview of the company.
Telephone Screening
A telephone screening is
actually the step before actual interview. Telephone interviews are done for
initial screening of candidates from the pool of applicant. Nowadays most of
the companies offer you a telephone screening interview first before the actual
interview, because to save the money and the time.
Panel Group Interview
A group interview occurs
when small group of candidates are interviewed together, the purpose is also to
save the money and the time. Candidates may also be asked to work together as a
team work in order to solve the problem
Simulation Interview
Simulation interview
designed to allow you to show how well you would do the job. It is fun as you
get active and it helps you have some experience in that position. And the last
thing is that, most of the employers do not expect you to get it perfect.
Video Conference or
WebCam Interview
Video conferencing is used to conduct interviews using video
technology from a distance and the applicant will be able to reach the company
or the manager will be able to reach the
location where the interview has to be conducted and this type of interview
used with WebCamera or the Skype in order to provide the interview between the
applicant and employer.
Lunch or Dinner
Some of the companies like to have a lunch or dinner interviews because
it is less formal and job candidates tend to be more open, relax and less
guarded. But lunch or dinner interviews
are not really common interviews as one-on-one
but it is still used though. It also gives interviewers a chance to see
many other non-verbal characteristics of a candidate.
Shakhboz Negmatov