you noticed that coding is in demand in so many industries? Have you ever thought about a job in coding or
programming and then quickly changed your mind, even before trying? Do you ever come across
something so technical like programming and you think to yourself, “Well I
can’t do that” or “That’s way too hard for me.” You might feel a rush of intimidation. To tell you the truth, it is not as hard as
it seems.
You have to understand something about programming: there
are many different types, such as Java, java script, C++, python, and Ruby. If I were someone with no clue when it comes
to programming, I would start with Java. It is basically a much more straightforward
program that says what it actually does. For example, a programming tool called
processing3 uses java and it runs to become java script.
It’s a matter of learning different
terms, the syntax and the concepts. Then after a while you get familiar with
the steps, but you also have to practice.
With an algorithm, you’re following a set of rules, and when you follow
the set of rules the computer develops the code you performed. Actually, math is everywhere; it’s what
creates the world. You’ll be surprised
when you take the time to learn code because you’ll eventually start to realize
how relatable it is to your own experiences.
You don’t feel as though it’s foreign anymore.
It just takes a matter of time to gain experience. People have the common urge to give up
quickly. You don’t learn everything
overnight. It’s like school-- to be able
to pass a test you have to study. The best way to study is to test yourself with
flashcards with the programming word or concept, and the answer on the other
side. (Tip: There’s the popular website,
Quizlet, which makes your study set into a game.) It’s just a repetition of what you’ve learned,
and your brain eventually starts to recognize what you’ve learned by seeing it
more than once. That’s how you memorize
certain steps or information that you could use to your advantage in coding.
It’s basically like a game, and that game could bring
so much joy to college students if they start to be more organized. It’s a
matter of patience and critical thinking.
All college students have the ability to do this and follow a path that
brings success. No matter if you succeed
the first time or make a mistake and get back up. You
just took another step to a great future.
By Kira Vasquez
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