What is AI Artificial intelligence or better known as AI is a machine that has the ability to “perform all the cognitive functions we usually associate with human minds,” essentially AI is a machine system that can think the way that humans think. AI can be used for various tasks, such as problem solving, decision making, and various other tasks. Over the past couple of years AI has taken the world by storm, everyone is so fascinated and horrified about what this new machine system could mean for their lives. AI in the workforce AI has been a part of the workforce for years now, using things like google now or Microsoft's Cortana to help complete tasks or answer questions at work is how AI has been part of the workforce. Today 35 % of companies in the United States use AI to help them with work related tasks, and about 42% of companies are working on implementing AI into their companies. Companies use AI to help track the progress that their employees are making, some compa...