Thursday, May 16, 2024

Benefits of Having a Mentor

You cannot succeed in life on your own. In the journey of personal and professional growth, you need guidance, wisdom and support. Mentorships embody all that for a great success story. It is a relationship whit the personal attribute is to advise, support and nurture the mentee to reach their full potential. Let’s explore the profound benefit of mentorships.

· Building Confidence.

Your mentor is, to put it mildly, your personal cheerleader. He provides constructive feedback and encouragement. Mentees gradually build confidence in their abilities to succeed and also help them to conquer their fear of the unknown and gain resilience and determination.

· Personalized Guidance.

What is good for you is not automatically good for someone else. It is not a one size fit all. Each mentorship is designed to address an individual’s unique strength, weakness, goals and aspirations. With this personal approach, your mentor is there to guide you on matters that concern you and only you.

· Personal Growth.

Beyond professional development, mentorships nurture personal growth. Mentors serve as a role model, to inspire and cultivate virtues such as integrity, empathy and perseverance. By imitating these qualities, mentees will mature not only as professionals but also as individuals, with the bonus of having a valuable and long-life relationship.

· Wisdom Transfer.

Mentorships diminish the gap between experience and aspiration. Mentorship brings to the mentee years of knowledge accumulated through years of trials, triumphs and lessons learned. Mentees will not have learned this type of wisdom through textbooks and seminars which will accelerate their learning experience and help avoid difficulties and surprises.

· Career Development.

Mentees will receive guidance on current career paths, offer advice on job search, and provide unique industry insights. Mentees will be able to make informed decisions when taking steps toward making career growth.

· Improved Performance.

Oftentimes individuals who participate in mentorship programs increase their performance because of the new skills they learned, and the feedback received on current progress.

· Importance of active listening.

Not only do mentors offer support, but they also show how valuable it can be to listen to someone in good and bad times. By actively listening, the mentor creates a safe place for the mentee to express themselves. This practice allows trust and strengthens the mentor and mentee relationship. It also help the mentor to understand the challenging, set back and opportunities facing their mentees. As per Alyssa Caraballo, “Coach Mary Beth McGirr has been a major influence in my life, helping me with golf and with learning critical life skills that will aid me throughout my life. She took me under her wing and has been a shining example for me to follow. Additionally, as a woman, she has been an amazing mentor and example of a strong, confident female for me to look up to and admire. Coach Mary Beth has been one of my biggest fans and encourages me to do my best. She takes time to talk about my golf, life, family and personal struggles. She has been an excellent example of a strong leader and businesswoman who consistently gives back to the game and the community.” – Alyssa Caraballo, The First Tee of Roanoke Valley

· Long – term Success.

The influence of mentorship reaches well beyond the duration of the mentorship itself. Mentees carry valuables lessons and values inspired by their mentors throughout their careers and lives. As they progress in their careers, most of the time, mentees become mentors and pay forward all that they have learned perpetuating an ongoing cycle of learning.

The Impact Of Having A Good Mentor - First Tee

The Power Of Mentorship: How Mentors Can Help Employees Grow And Succeed (

Benefits of Mentoring Programs and Mentorship | Guider AI (

By: Rose May John (Career Peer)

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Changing Careers: Tips on What to Do


Changing Careers can be both challenging and at times scary. After getting familiar with the dos and don’ts of a job, starting a new career can be a mind-blowing experience. Here are some tips to help you navigate this transition stress-free. Start by putting on paper what you enjoy doing. What are you good at doing? Do you like what you’re doing presently? A good paid job is always a good motivation but ask yourself if you will be volunteering to do that job for free. This process is called self-assessing.


Know yourself.

What do you like to do? Make a list of activities and tasks that excite you. These my include:

·         Helping others

·         Solving complex problems

·         Doing stuff with your hands

·         Creating art writing

·         Lead a team or a project

·         Research

·         Mentoring


2.      Identify your strengths.

What I am good at doing:

·         Strong communicator

·         Good listener

·         Skilled in problem solving

·         Natural leader

·         Details oriented

·         Creative

·         Tech Savy

3.     What motivates you.

Identify what makes you excited to wake up in the morning and keeps you going all day:

·         Making a positive impact on others

·         Challenging yourself

·         Overcoming obstacles

·         Continuous learning

·         Contribution to a larger missions and causes


4.       Am I happy to be at my current job.

Consider what you like about your job:

·         The pay wage

·          The people I work with

·         The people I work for

·         The work environment

·         The opportunity for growth and learning

·         The work environment and culture

5.     Determine your new focus.

Find out everything you can about your new focus and get on it. Conduct research. Identify how long it will take you to familiarize yourself with it?

6.     Make connections.

Participate in seminars or workshops. Top of Form

Do internship or volunteer work.

7.     Do a reality check.

Analyze all the steps involved and make sure that you are ready for this new venture. Who will help you travel in this new direction? Have a system ready, friends, family, people who will support you with no judgment.

8.     Develop an action plan.

After you determine what you want to do, ask yourself what you should do to get started. Will you go back to school? Prepare yourself and be ready to put time and work toward whatever you choose to do. Anything valuable takes time.


How To Change Careers, According To 50 People Who Made A Pivot (


 5 Tips for Changing Careers | Harvard Extension School

By: Rose-May John (Career Peer)