Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Panel Discussions

At some point in their college lives, students have to face the very important question: Which career to choose? One of the best ways to explore careers is through panel discussions. A panel discussion usually involves a relatively small group of people (4-10 panelists) discussing a topic in front of an audience. In higher education, the most common type of panel discussion is the career panel. A career panel is an opportunity for students to interact with professionals in various career areas and sometimes different occupations in the same industry. The main goal is to learn how to prepare for a specific career and be successful in that career.
Panel discussions can be in different formats. The most common format is Q&A Style where a moderator introduces the panelists, then asks them a few previously prepared questions, followed by about 25 minutes of audience questions and ending with a summary and thanks. The other formats are Initial Remarks Style and Presentation Style, both of which involve the panelists introducing themselves and sharing their perspectives for about 5 to 15 minutes before the Q&A starts.

Panel discussions can be very beneficial to students. Some benefits to attending a panel are:

-          Listening to panelists’ personal stories of their school and career challenges can help you overcome your own

-          Career panels create opportunities for networking with local employers

-          Panelists share specific information about the best ways to prepare for a specific career area (for example: volunteering or job shadowing)

If you are ever invited to attend a panel discussion, the best way to prepare is to have a list of questions ready for the panelists. If it is a career panel and you know the panelists occupations, do some research beforehand to help you identify the best questions to ask.

Sample questions to ask at a panel discussion:

-       Why were you willing to come here today to speak with us?

-       What is the most rewarding aspect of your job?

-       What motivated you to choose this career?

-       How much education and training is required for this career?

We hope these simple tips help you benefit greatly from your next panel discussion.
                                                                                                                      ~Nympha Pierre

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