Interviews can really be nerve wrecking. You just never know what to expect. There could be an interview where it is a one on one or a surprised group interview (which really happened to me). It's annoying. But for you to get through this interview, you would need some tips to really do well or outshine the rest.
So let's get on with the tips shall we:
- Practice good nonverbal communication
While in an interview, make sure you make eye contact and show them that they have your undivided attention. Never wonder off and look at something else like the walls or the floor. While you speak, look them in the eyes to show them you really want this job and that you're serious about getting this job. Always listen because you never want to repeat anything they just said unless it's a question to clarify what was said.
- Dress to impress
- Use appropriate language
When talking to the interviewer, never talk to them as if their your friend. For example, when in an interview, I know sometimes you can get a little comfortable, but never use slang because that shows you're not serious about this position.
- Don't be cocky:
- Last but not least, ask questions:
It's always good to ask questions to just get a better because its a better understanding for you and it gives the interviewer better reason to show off their store.
By Wanda Berry
By Wanda Berry
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