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The Elements of a Resume

There are  many formats and designs for a resume, but there are essential components that EVERY resume MUST have, no matter what the layout is.

Should contain  your name, full address, phone numbers where you can be reached and a PROFESSIONAL email address.

Include the name of your college (in bold), location (city and state without zip code), major, and expected graduation date.  If you have any major achievements, such as being on the Dean's List, you can include it here.
**Your GPA should be included ONLY if it is a 3.0 or above.

Include the name of company (in bold), location (city and state without zip code), position title, dates of employment (month & year) and, starting with action verbs, list your responsibilities using bullets.
Be sure to list your experiences is chronological order starting with the most recent position.

List computer programs you are familiar with and your skill level (i.e., basic, intermediate or proficient).  If you speak a second language, include your skill level under this section (e.g., Fluent in Spanish, Basic knowledge of French, Bilingual in Cantonese and English).

For more information and/or tips on perfecting your resume, visit C-102 to meet with a Career Advisor!


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