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Showing posts from February, 2013

Insight and Perks of Being A Substitute Teacher

Some insight of the perks of being a substitute teacher, for those who are interested and even those who are not; learning something new everyday is never harmful. "There are several reasons to substitute teach. First there is the convenience of choosing when you work. You can choose to work each and every time you are called, three days a week, or only on Wednesdays and Thursdays. You can choose a particular school, or set of schools to work in. The selections are yours to make." (stated from the article) tutorials/teaching/sub/ Ashley Sanon

Why Pharmacist Are Wrong About Generic Drugs In the article “Why Pharmacist Are Wrong About generic drugs ”, the author points out a lot of scary facts about how generic drugs measure up to brand name drugs. It seems that during completion of their education, Pharmacists are led to believe that generic drugs are just as good as the brand name. Th e FDA states on their web page generic drugs are identical or bioequivalent to brand names.  As your read the article and see the meaning of identical and what it meaning. The meaning of identical means similar or alike in every way, being the very same and agreeing exactly. The m edical dictionary meaning of identical is , “Exactly equal and alike, of or relating to twin or twins developed from the same fertilized ovum and having the same genetic makeup and closely similar appearance; monozygotic”. As you read further , the author states that he or she disagrees with these meaning s o...

Bring Out the Best In Your Career Choice

This articles explains how there are some doctors who are "cheating" their patients by not having discussions concerning their health and what their wishes are. I chose this article to reach out and show people that this is an extremely good profession and a needed profession, that doctors are viewed as role models. If you choose this career path, remind yourself that you are doing it to help people and care for them. You will be the one who people see for help and if they are in need of medical assistance . Do not cheat your way. I am very interested  in getting into the medical field because I would like to be the reason that people seek me out and see hope, as well as recognize that I will do my best to serve them as much as they require and be loyal to the services provided. I hope students do not read this article in a negative way, I hope they read it as how you want to live up to the patients expectations. http ://

Being A Veterinarians for the Right Reason

Loving animals and wanting to help the sick? Well being a vet would be a great career choice if those are your interest! "So you think you'd like to be a veterinary doctor and you love animals? That's a start but it is only a start if you are interested in a career in veterinary medicine. Veterinarians are much more than people with a fondness for animals. A veterinarian is a doctor of animal health who has trained at a university for at least six years and is licensed to provide medical and surgical care for animals. He or she can practice veterinary medicine in a number of fields." articles/vet.htm Ashley Sanon

Power to Change A Life!

Have you ever thought about changing someone's life for the best? Have you ever realized that your actions and teachings can change someone's life and their perspective forever and potentially shape into making them who they are? This is the life of an educator. Every year teachers are given the opportunity to assist students that are unmotivated and are unwilling to do the work in their class. Educators are able to engage their students during class and encourage them to blossom in the quest for learning. Thinking that you could make such an impact in someone's life can be very rewarding. In the article link below, you can see how a teacher expresses how she feels when she transforms her students from being unmotivated to become eager learning pupils. n/2013/01/15/speak-out-teacher-s-greatest-joy-263101 BY:  Iqra Shafiq

Your Role As the Accountant

In any business, one of the essential personnel's of the company is the accountant. According to the article, accountants "study the financial state in which a business currently finds itself in and gives advice concerning improvement towards future profits." This means they advise the owner(s) of the business and about where the company is headed. With their analysis, data, and expertise with numbers, an accountant can tell CEO's that the company is profiting, or that  they need a better team or strategy in order to save the company from "going under"; losing everything. So for those who would like to pursue a career in accountant, this article is interesting because it states specific roles one must take on as the accountant of a small or big business.

Rehabilitation Counseling Article

This article provides a description to the different types of rehabilitation that a rehabilitation counselor does. It also breaks down how the work of a rehabilitation counselor is done , explains how they complete task s, and what skills/education is needed to be effective in their job. I hope that this article helps anyone who decides to learn about the work of a rehabilitation counselor

Camera Operations

A big interest of mine is camera operations and film editorial work. According to , film and video editors and camera operators produce salaries of around $45,490 per year. Camera operators capture a wide range of material for TV shows, motion pictures, music videos, documentaries, or news and sporting events. Editors construct the final productions from the many different images that camera operators capture. They collaborate with producers and directors to create the final production. The majority of camera operators are self employed to create their own schedules. In addition, Operators or Editors work hours vary depending on the type of operator or editor. Those who work in broadcasting might have to work long hours to meet a deadlines. Most jobs or positions require a bachelor’s degree in a field related to film or broadcasting; many colleges offer courses in camera operation or video editing software. Within this path of Camera Operator or Editor, one can grow to bec...

Informational interview

The informational interview was a great experience. I called variously hospitals and have learned that being a registered nurse is nothing easy, there lays busy running back and forth. Then I got in touch with a nurse who wouldn't give her name but her annciasls witch were m.c she works in the Brooklyn hospital and has been an rn for 3 years going pursuing her masters degree . I thought it was a great assignment and I found the advices of a precessional nurse helpful . I will keep those advices in mind. 

SD 11 Class Experience

The SD11 class was a great experience. I honestly took this class for the credit but I honestly am so happy I chose this class I come to appreciate this class so much. It was so helpful to me and my career choice. There was so much information given and explained to us to use in the future. After taking this class I could honestly say I am fully prepared for the upcoming challenges. I do plan on applying to internships and activities to help me threw the semesters. After taking this class I have filled out an application at Lutheran center hospital for volunteering. I'm so pleased for have chosen this class. 

Informational Interview: The Journalist

The informational interview that I conducted with Katie Craig made me reconsider my entire plan on how I would approach my career as a Journalist. This information interview has taught me more than I though it would. Katie helped me see Journalism in a new light. Although I might have strong skills set in writing, Journalism may not always be a stable career if one is going to be freelancing. What I found very intriguing about Journalism is that this career is very detail oriented and involves tons of communication with the public.  There is a lot more to Journalism than just writing. Writing is just one component of becoming a journalist because writing cannot be done until research is thoroughly conducted by a team of journalists. Katie also made me realize that to become a successful journalist, I must focus on one particular area ( Fashion, Sports, Lifestyle etc.)

SD11 Course Overview

This SD11 course has been one of the most beneficial courses that I have taken at Kingsborough. This class as a whole look towards benefiting students with decision making regardless of their circumstances. Not only has this course taught me how to be a better decision maker, but it has opened up different options for careers that are best suited for me. I have also learned various techniques to improve my interviewing skills. This class has taught me how to handle interview questions that may be expected at any type of interview. One of the greatest resources that was presented throughout this class was access to Career Planning Counselors. Every lesson taught in this course has been generated in order to help all students prosper regardless of the career path they decide to choose. Tracey L.

Exploring Career Options For Journalists.

In order to explore a career in Journalism, one of the most essential things that one must do is gain experience. Gaining experience in any field might just seem like one of the most difficult things to do but with just a little research and dedication it is all possible. In order to gain experience as a Journalist one must begin to produce clips in order to present at job interviews. Clips are published pieces of work. To start off, one can join a newspaper club in order to have their work exposed. A more general way to gain experience is to begin a blog or begin to make videos and post them online for people to see your work. To gain experience as a Journalist it is essential to learn how to work with others. To explore a career in Journalism focusing on news events that other people have had and beginning to do your own research is the key. Journalist don’t only present information found but they also have to validate whether this information can be shared with the public. Tracey...

Experience Based on SD11

In the beginning of SD11, my main career of choice was nursing. But now after using the tools provided in this class I came to realize that nursing  isn't  the best career for me and decided to take computer science as my major. My previous career aspiration was to make a lot of money to provide for my family and now not much has changed. Only part that was added to my inspirations was that now I want to do a job that I can enjoy and show some interest in it. Some things that I learned from this course are; research online about jobs and what company has the best offers, networking, choosing the right path for career choice, etc. I have gained a lot of knowledge about my career and honestly I  didn't  think that this class would help me learn so much. This class definitely helped me realize my goals and helped me change my career to the right one.    - Chander Raj

Informational Interview: Computer Engineer

The informational interview was great and helped me learn new things about my career. For example; what is expected of me as well as what is the job scope in the future. I learned about the working environment along with my basic duties at the position. I also learned about what type of education I will need in other to get a better position. Another thing I learned is that I need strong Math and analytical skills, which I already have and I will work towards enhancing them along the way. One thing that I absolutely loved about the interview was that there is very little stress involved in this job, which is great for me since I tend to avoid stress unless necessary. This interview helped me realize that this is the correct career for me and that I made the right decision to change my major form nursing to computer science. - Chander Raj

Occupational Outlook Handbook Research

My career choice is nursing. Using the Occupational Outlook Handbook online,  I've  discovered many advantages and disadvantages within this career. There is a high income for registered nurses and benefits but the course work and studies is really difficult. After this assignment  I've  reevaluated my decision towards pursuing nursing because I feel I can accomplish more towards Computer Programming then Nursing. I have more knowledge and interests towards the computer field than nursing and other medical fields. - Chander Raj

On/Off Campus Activities to Explore My Career Options

First I can make an appointment with my advisor so he/she can help me choose the right classes for my major as well as help me acknowledge my strongest skills to my weakest ones. Second, I would look into what highly interests me and see what careers I can pursue that have that option. Also I will research how the job outlook is in the next upcoming years. Third, I can ask career professional about how it is like to work in that environment and was it worth it.  - Chander Raj

An Insight to the Future

"Preparing the future leaders of the world", doesn't that sound fascinating? You must have some kind of talent to be preparing and training students toward success in the real world. Teaching is a serious job because teachers must maintain control the classroom in every way. Teachers have the power to open the minds of kids through different activities. I remember the humble conversations with my history that changed my life forever. These people whom some students don't acknowledge actually play a huge role in shaping the world. Teachers not only teach their students math and science, they also show them how communities bond together and make change. The incident that happened at Sandy Hook Elementary is a perfect example of how the teachers help shape the new generations. The article below shows the experience: http://schoolsofthought.blogs. above-all-teachers-a...

Rehabilitation Counseling Info

The website below provides all the necessary information for those who are looking for a career in rehabilitation counseling.  BLS. Gov websites inform the public of information such as how much a rehabilitation counselor makes in a year, the work environment they will be surrounded by , what requirements needs to be completed to do to become a rehabilitation counselor, the prospective job outlook, and a connection to jobs that are similar to that of a rehabilitation counselor.

Does the Future Outlook Look Bright?  “Does the Future Outlook Look Bright” is an article describing the market for jobs in the pharmacy field.  The author sites the U.S. News and World Report , which is known for ranking jobs based on growth outlook. The field of pharma cy comes in third ; the two fields that are holding first and second place in the ranks are registered nurse and software developer. The article discusses the primary reasons the field will grow and have more opening s over the next 10 years. One of the main reasons is the aging population of baby boomers and the MTM or medication therapy management. As the article goes on , it describes how the field of pharmacy is tight in terms of job openings . The author also states that she is glad to read that the pharmacy field is so high on the list and that it is very encouraging . She continues on to state that the field may be in a tough time period but remains positive saying who knows how...

About Advertising and Marketing

People in marketing and advertising are responsible for "every store window you browse, web site banner you click on, or TV commercial you watch." Their job is to attempt to win your business by using a blend of business and creativity. This article discusses advertising and marketing careers, how to get started, and how to get on the fast track in order to be successful.

The Journalist

In the Occupational Outlook Handbook, I researched a career in Journalism. Journalism when looked at from an outsider's perspective seems to be an easy going job that only consists of reporting news through writing but that is only one aspect that a Journalist has to worry about.  When I began to look thoroughly into this career I realized that this career consists of a lot of researching and editing. Unlike many jobs, Journalism has space for error. Stories and news aren't finalized right away, editing is a major component of this career. Journalists don't only work for newspapers but for direct media companies and even websites. Clips that are reviewed by companies are crucial. Clips are a portrayal of your work that are required in order to get considered for any job as a Journalist. In order to get the clips exposed, one must begin to join clubs (ex. Newspaper Club ) that require duties that a Journalist must complete. Like any other job, a Journalist must begin as a ...