"Preparing the future leaders of the world", doesn't that sound fascinating? You must have some kind of talent to be preparing and training students toward success in the real world. Teaching is a serious job because teachers must maintain control the classroom in every way. Teachers have the power to open the minds of kids through different activities. I remember the humble conversations with my history that changed my life forever. These people whom some students don't acknowledge actually play a huge role in shaping the world. Teachers not only teach their students math and science, they also show them how communities bond together and make change. The incident that happened at Sandy Hook Elementary is a perfect example of how the teachers help shape the new generations. The article below shows the experience:
http://schoolsofthought.blogs. cnn.com/2012/12/17/my-view- above-all-teachers-are-in-it- for-the-kids/?iref=allsearch
By: Iqra Shafiq
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