Wednesday, December 9, 2015

So You've Got the Interview...

Now what?

As you prepare for your interview, take a look at these commonly asked interview questions and the tips for how to answer them!

Tell me about yourself.

v  TIP:  talk about yourself as a professional: goals, interests, why you studied what you did.

What are your strengths?

v  TIP:  discuss a skill that can be used in the job you are seeking (transferable skill such as problem solving).

What are your weaknesses?

v  TIP:  talk about areas that you have improved in or something positive (i.e. getting so involved that you lose track of time); do NOT talk about major character flaws.

Walk me through your resume.

v  TIP:  sell your education and experience in a positive light.

What can you bring to this company/position?

v  TIP:  sell your strengths, skills, experience and talents.

Describe for me a typical day.

v  TIP:  demonstrate good use of time and goal setting.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

v  TIP:  sell yourself as a professional who is moving upward, not as a student.

Why do you want this position?

v  TIP:  display your knowledge of the company/organization, field, and position.

What sets you apart from the rest of your graduating class?

v  TIP:  talk about a selling point that is unique to you; discuss skills and accomplishments; do NOT mention GPA.

Do you have any questions for me?

v  TIP:  ask about job responsibilities, opportunities for growth, and questions specific to the industry/field/company.


Related to job qualifications:

v  How has your past experience prepared you for this job?

v  Do you know what the duties and responsibilities of this job are?

v  Why should I hire you?

v  What do you know about this type of work?

Related to attitude and values:

v  What have you felt proud of in your life?

v  What do you want for yourself from this job?

v  What accomplishments have given you the greatest satisfaction?

v  How well do you work under pressure or in a crisis?


For help with preparing for your interview, schedule an interview with a Career Advisor in Room C-102 or call 718-368-5115.

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