Tuesday, January 23, 2018

2018 Current Job Trends

As of the end of 2017, Glassdoor reported a record 6.1 million open jobs in the U.S.   The good news is that labor market is strong and growing, yet there are major changes ahead.


Impact of workforce automation

With growth in artificial intelligence (AI) technology, many jobs will be replaced in the next 10 years (Motley Fool, USA Today, Forbes).  From ordering kiosks to chatbots, AI will continue to be a feature in the workplace.   This has the potential to replace positions in retail and customer service. Some of these trends are already visible in the workplace, while others will take some time to be apparent.


Things to keep in mind as a college student

If you are still deciding about your career path, consider careers that are not readily replaced by technology.  These include many jobs in healthcare and labor-intensive roles  (Motley Fool), or sciences, human services and other professional services.   A postsecondary education is often a pre-requisite for professional roles, along with some experience.  This is yet another reason to complete education and training beyond high school.   


On the other hand, don’t worry if your dream career is not in one of these areas. Plan and adapt to take projections into account: make an assessment of your skills and knowledge in view of these workforce changes (USA Today).   Do research on trends in your field. Be prepared to learn new skills and stay up to date with current technologies used in your chosen line of work.


~Tai Yee Ho

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