Thursday, March 15, 2018

Interview skills by -Chamara Brown

                                                                          Interview skills

by -Chamara Brown
You’re going to that interview because you want that job, right? So, don’t show up unprepared! Treat it like a date. You must be prepared, dress the part and say it with your chest!
                              Before any interview…  be in the know!
Know the company purpose and mission. Know exactly what is the job description you applied for. Keep up with the current trends in the career field you express your interests and most importantly know yourself!! What are your skills and abilities for this interview? Learn them and practice at home before the big date.
 Ace your interview!
Ensure a good night’s sleep the night before, eat a good breakfast, relax and practice breathing to control nervousness, so your confidence can shine. Other successful practices include preparing your outfit. Ensure it fits, clean and pressed. Acquire direction to the interview site. Printed copies are always reliable incase your electronic device fails you. Another good idea to consider is to obtain the employer number on hand in case something happens.
Practice in the mirror! Be acquainted with answering questions which helps to develop a personal pitch. Sell yourself to the company!!
Dress for success. wear neat, clean clothes (business attire) be well groomed from hair to shoes. Do not expose body piercings or tattoos and avoid wear minimal accessories.
                                                                             During the interview…
Be confident and enthused, maintain eye contact, speak with a personal pitch and avoide using “ums and ah’s”.  Always ask questions, it shows your interest in the company and the position you applied for.
                                                                            After the interview…
Thank the interviewer. Do not ask about if you will be hired, instead ask questions such as; What did I do well? What could I answer better next time etc.…
Send A thank You Email! It shows you are on top of things…literally. and shows the interviewer you have gratitude which they love within their own company. It will separate you for the other candidates and help the interviewer to remember you.

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