Search or Strive?
For the
past months, I’ve been fighting the question, should I work while in school or
stay focused on school and be depended on family? Also to how to go about it
and what can I do to obtain an internship which fits my interest? I have worked
while in school before when I was in Starbucks from 2015-2017. I showed signs
of slowing down and my grades were affected due to demand for my job. I failed
classes and I started to worry about the money, too much to the point I
considered to just drop college in general. The road to recovery was tough, I
wasn’t feeling good about myself, my skills into becoming a journalist (my
major) and just life in general.
Thanks to
words of career advisors, I was able to make the conscious decision to continue
school and quit my job. I’m still not happy it’s taking 3 years to achieve an
Associate's Degree but I know I will complete the task this coming spring
semester. I still beg the question, should I even look for an internship
and work after obtaining the Associate’s Degree or show I push for my
Bachelor’s Degree/Master’s Degree? I feel I struggle with multi-tasking but can
try something as long it is in my interests. Internships like; Radio &
TV(Sports Talk Shows), News Reporting or anything involved in Sports Writing.
I can find the answer soon, taking a preparation in career planning should
benefit me in the long run.
From Tayvon Best
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