Friday, February 19, 2016

What is Networking?

What is networking? Networking is a way to connect with people for a mutual benefit. Networking does not mean at all “what can I get?” it has more to do with “how can I help?” It is very important to network these days. You can use social media to network. First thing first, you have to know which social media you’re going to use. Now a day you have many options like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. After you choose your platform, you can go ahead and target who you want to connect with. You must do research prior to connecting with someone for effective networking, why is that? Maybe because you want to know what you’re actually talking about and ask specific questions or ideas so the person can see you as an asset. Next time would be to meet the person offline so you can communicate effectively on broad topics according to business related matter. Lastly always say thank you!
By:Valeed Abid

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