Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What have you learned about yourself and career goals in the SD11 class?

What have you learned about yourself and career goals in the SD11 class?

The Career Planning SD11 course is a great course that helped me in my pursuit to learn more about myself and the options I have available to me. I learned about what line of work my personality and values would suit more comfortably. I discovered that I must pursue a career in administration which is a logical match for my current major of business administration.
                A major help in the class was the revision of my resume and the collaboration with the Office of Career Development in Room C-102 to help me prepare for a job interview by scheduling and coming in for a mock interview. I learned how to create and use a blog. In addition, I enjoyed learning how to properly create a cover letter as well as a thank you letter, which I can send to an employer after a job interview. My experience in this class made me realize how I have to take more action and experience hands-on learning in order to achieve a better understanding of something instead of just thinking about how it may or may not be the thing for me to work on.
                This class was an overall great learning experience that solidified my choice of career as a businessman that will pursue entrepreneurship, investing, and venture capital funding. Now I know that I must network with people in my field of interest, obtain the advice from professionals in this field, as well as learn the skills necessary in order to start and manage successful businesses. I recommend this class to everyone whether they know exactly what they want to pursue and especially to anyone who is lost in their career goals.

Vsevolod Seva Soloviev

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